E-mail: dongwoog.lee@unist.ac.kr
Office: 052-217-2594
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)
Date of graduation: March, 2014
Advisor: Professor Jacob N. Israelachvili
BS in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Date of graduation: January, 2008, Magna Cum Laude
Advisor: Professor Hyun Gyu Park
Positions and Employment
2020/09 – Present
Associate Professor in School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
2016/02 – 2020/08
Assistant Professor in School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
2014/02 – 2016/01
Postdoctoral Scholar in Chemical Engineering, UC Santa Barbara
Professional Activities
2022/05 – Present
Early Career Research Board Member of Chemical Engineering Journal (IF=13.273, Elsevier)
Selected Publications
Google Scholar Link (!!Click!!)
†equal contribution; *co-corresponding authors;
Jintae Park†; Jinwoo Park†; Jinhoon Lee; Chanoong Lim*; Dong Woog Lee*; “Size compatibility and concentration dependent supramolecular host–guest interactions at interfaces”, Nature Communications (2022) 13: 112.
Dasom Jeon†; Jinwoo Park†; Changhwan Shin; Hyunwoo Kim; Ji-Wook Jang; Dong Woog Lee*; Jungki Ryu*; “Superaerophobic hydrogels for enhanced electrochemical and photoelectrochemical hydrogen production ”, Science Advances (2020), 6: eaaz3944.
Dongjin Seo; Alex M. Schrader; Szu-Ying Chen; Yair Kaufman; Thomas R. Cristiani; Steven H. Page; Peter H. Koenig; Yonas Gizaw; Dong Woog Lee*; Jacob N. Israelachvili*; “Rates of cavity filling by liquids”, PNAS. (2018) 115(32): 8070-8075.
Sungbaek Seo†; Dong Woog Lee†; Jin Soo Ahn†; Keila Cunha†; Emmanouela Filippidi; Sung Won Ju; Eeseul Shin; Byeong-Su Kim; Zachary A. Levine; Roberto D. Lins; Jacob N. Israelachvili; J. Herbert Waite; Megan T. Valentine; Joan Emma Shea; and B. Kollbe Ahn; “Significant performance enhancement of polymer resins by bioinspired dynamic bonding”, Adv. Mater. (2017) 29: 1703026.
Qiang Zhao†; Dong Woog Lee†; Kollbe Ahn†; Sungbaek Seo; Yair Kaufman; Jacob Israelachvili; Herbert Waite; “Underwater contact adhesion and microarchitecture in polyelectrolyte complexes actuated by solvent exchange”, Nature Materials (2016) 15:407-412. [Introduced in UCSB Press Release]
Dong Woog Lee†*; Kai Kristiansen†; Stephen H. Donaldson, Jr.; Nicholas Cadirov; Xavier Banquy; Jacob N. Israelachvili*; “Real-time intermembrane force measurements and imaging of lipid domain morphology during hemifusion”, Nature Communications (2015) 6:7238. doi: 10.1038/ncomms8238 [Introduced in UCSB Press Release]
Kollbe Ahn†; Dong Woog Lee†; Jacob Israelachvili; Herbert Waite; “Surface-initiated self-healing of polymers in aqueous media”, Nature Materials (2014) 13: 867-872. [Introduced in UCSB Press Release, Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN), Santa Barbara News-Press, and Chemistry World (RSC)]
Dong Woog Lee; Xavier Banquy; Kai Kristiansen; Yair Kaufman; Joan Boggs; Jacob Israelachvili; “Lipid domains control myelin basic protein adsorption and membrane interactions between model myelin lipid bilayers”, PNAS. (2014) 111(8): E768-E775. [Introduced in UCSB Press Release]
Dong Woog Lee; Xavier Banquy; Jacob Israelachvili; “Stick-slip friction and wear of articular joints”, PNAS. (2013) 110(7): E567-E574. [Introduced in Santa Barbara News-press, UCSB Press Release, and National Public Radio (NPR)]
Dong Woog Lee†; Younjin Min†; Prajnaparamita Dhar; Arun Ramachandran; Jacob N. Israelachvili; Joseph A. Zasadzinski; “Relating Domain Size Distribution to Line Tension and Molecular Dipole Density in Model Cytoplasmic Myelin Lipid Monolayers”, PNAS. (2011) 108(23): 9425–9430. [Introduced in UCSB Press Release and Santa Barbara News-Press]
George W. Greene†; Xavier Banquy†; Dong Woog Lee†; Daniel D. Lowrey; Jing Yu; Jacob N. Israelachvili; “Adaptive mechanically controlled lubrication mechanism found in articular joints”, PNAS. (2011) 108(13): 5255–5259. [Highlighted as from the cover]
Honors / Awards / Fellowships
2023 Early Stage Investigator Award, the Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE), American Chemical Society (ACS), Fall 2023 National Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
2022 Selected Lecture Award, Japan Oil Chemists’ Society (JOCS), the 2nd World Congress on Oleo Science (WCOS2022)
2022 Nanoscale 2022 Emerging Investigators
2020 신진학술상, 한국고분자학회 (The Polymer Society of Korea), October 6th, 2020.
2019 미원상사 신진과학자상, 한국공업화학회 (KSIEC), October 31st, 2019.
2017 Young Fellow Award, at 2nd Asian Conference on Oleo Science (ACOS2017) and 56th Annual Meeting of Japan Oil Chemists’ Society (JOCS), September, 2017.
2015 Art of Science, Second Annual Competition, People’s Choice Award, April 2015. Click for the image.
2014 National Science Foundation (NSF) travel fellowship, International Nanotribology Forum (INF), Jan 2014.
2013 Doh Wonsuk Memorial Award for Outstanding Korean Chemical Engineering Ph.D. students in United States, KIChE US chapter, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov 2013.
2013 Art of Science, First Annual Competition, Honorable mention, Aug 2013. Click for the image.
2013-14 Doctoral Student Travel Grant fellowship, University of California, Santa Barbara, July 2013.
2012 Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Tribology, Honorable mention in poster presentation, July 8-13, 2012.
2007 winter/spring semester undergraduate research program (URP) workshop, 2nd prize, KAIST, KOREA, August 31, 2007.
2007 World Creativity Festival, Silver Award. August 16-19, 2007.
2003 LG scholarship, KAIST, KOREA, 2003.